
Pushkar Children Trust is a local unincorporated, nonprofit organization based in Pushkar in the state of Rajasthan, India. Launched to educate and empower children and families of the local Nat-gypsy community. All our work in Pushkar is payed by/through our Danish registred non-governmental sister-organization with same name.

Our Misson

“Our mission is to give every child free access to education, regardless of religion, caste, gender and age”

Pushkar Children Trust was establish in 2013. We are a local project founded to help some of India’s most vulnerable children. The children and their families live under extremely poor conditions. Most of our families live in tents in an established camp on the outskirts of the city. In the camp there is neither water nor electricity, and the sanitation is very bad. The families earn money by collecting plastic bottles, making and selling hay horses and playing drums for weddings and festivals. See more about the families’ living conditions in our videos.

We enable the children to attend school, as well as providing food, healthcare and emotional and educational support. We currently have more than 75 children enrolled in our program and provide each with:

  • Full school uniforms and the essential materials for their education. The children are enrolled at a local secondary school, with private sponsores paying the annual school fees.
  • Healthcare, dental care and medical treatment.
  • A teacher to help the children with homework and their studies (tuitions).
  • A cook to provide the children with one meal a day, six days a week.
  • An “out of school hours” program seven days a week to develop the children’s “life-skills” through special projects like art workshops, yoga classes and excursions.
  • A monthly food package with chapati flour, rice, oil and lentils for each child’s family plus monthly hygiene products for all our students including toothbrushes, toothpaste, hair oil and soap. 
  • This project is 100% to help the poorest children in Pushkar. Every penny goes to the purpose.

Our base and the project’s heart are located in a large house, which we rent on an annual basis. This is where the children come every day before and after school to receive food, tutoring and to play. The house is close to the children’s home in the camp and close to the private school. We are currently in the process of building our own Project House – read more at Building a Project House

Financial statements

As a part of our rights to collect donations in Denmark we have to publish our annual financial reports in Danish on our website. Please find it attached in the link below and should anyone be interested in our finanial statements in English please contact us to get a copy.

Pushkar Children Trust financial statements 2019/2020

Pushkar Children Trust financial statements 2020/2021

Pushkar Children Trust financial statements 2021/2022

Pushkar Children Trust financial statements 2022/2023

Pushkar Children Trust financial statements 2023/2024

Pushkar Children Trust financial statment for “building a project house” 

Pushkar Children Trust financial statements 2024/2025